I am a scientist by education, a computer systems engineer by profession, and an artist by passion. I have been sewing as long as I can remember, and when my wardrobe could hold no more clothes, I moved towards embroidery and textile art.
One day, several years ago, I saw an exhibition of artists books and realised that this was an art form that worked for me on many levels. I love to describe my passion for science and the natural world, but I like to do it lightly to interest people who might not initially care. I have learned many skills alongside textiles, including printmaking and drawing. And what is paper if not a beautiful textile?
So now I am an artist’s book-maker. Much of my work is digitally produced, I love creating complex structures that tell a story so that only minimal text or explanation is necessary, and sometimes including humour or a single amazing discovery that can spark my imagination, and I hope also speak to an audience. Bringing together content and structure is what drives my imagination.